F 16 Facility - Helwan, Cairo – Egypt
Specially Air Filtrations System For Explosion Proof Paint Booth Buildings.
Cairo, Egypt |
Corps of Engineer (COR)
Encorp International Inc
2000 - 2001
Design & Construct of LFF & DCT - Aboukir,
Electromechanical System
(Electrical Distribution System, Fire Fighting, Light Current system).
Alex, Egypt |
VSE Corporation, BAV Division, (Both Alien)
Egyptian Navy
2004 - 2005
EAAD Workshop #3, Cairo – Egypt
Electromechanical System
(Electrical Distribution System, Water Network System).
Cairo, Egypt |
Corps of Engineer (COR)
Egyptian Army Department
2004 - 2006
EAAD Workshop #3, Cairo – Egypt
Electromechanical System.
(Electrical Distribution, Facility Interior System) (Maintenance Building Upgrade).
Cairo, Egypt |
Corps of Engineer (COR)/ATSC
Egyptian Army Department
2004 - 2006
Upgrade the Grit Blast Chamber workshop hanger.
Specific System
Grit Blast remover for Army equipment.
Cairo, Egypt |
Corps of Engineer (COR)/ATSC
Egyptian Army Department
2004 - 2006
El Helal El Ahmar Hospital
Electromechanical System
Hot water system included 4 boilers.
Cairo, Egypt |
Ministry of health and Population.
Upgrade of Electromechanical system for
Police Hospital Agouza
Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Power Panels, HVAC System.
Cairo, Egypt |
Ministry of health and Population.
Police Hospital Agouza
2006 - 2007
Upgrade of Electromechanical System for
El Galaa Alaskary Hospital
Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Power Panels, HVAC System, Public Address System, Nurse Call.
Cairo, Egypt |
Ministry of health and Population.
2006 - 2008
Upgrade of Electromechanical system for
Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, Power Panels, HVAC System, Public Address System, Nurse Call
Cairo, Egypt |
2007 - 2009
Upgrade of Electromechanical System Cooling Towers, Cairo 2
Remove and install new Cooling system for US Embassy in Cairo included electromechanical system and BMS upgrade
Cairo, Egypt |
Corps of Engineer (COR)
Us Embassy in Cairo
2009 - 2010
Utility Network System for Cairo West Air Base PV7 Cairo
MV-LV Electrical Network
Transformers, Switchgear, MV-LV Cables
Cairo, Egypt |
Egyptian Air Force
2012 - 2013
Medium Volte Switchgear Upgrade at Mansoura Air Base
Replace old MV Switchgear by new one included MV-LV System and related networks
Mansoura, Egypt |
Egyptian Air Force
Medium Voltage Switchgear Upgrade at Tanta Air Base
Replace old MV Switchgear by new one included MV-LV System and related networks.
Mansoura, Egypt |
Egyptian Air Force
2013 - 2014
Medium Voltage Switchgear Upgrade at khatatba Air Base
Replace old MV Switchgear by new one included MV-LV System and related networks.
Mansoura, Egypt |
Egyptian Air Force
2013 - 2014
Electrical Upgrade Apache air base maintenance Hanger.
Electrical installation included but not limited to Panels, Frequency Converters, Transformers, aircraft cables.
Katamia, Egypt |
Apache Air Base
Egyptian Air Force
2016 - 2017
HVAC System for Siemens accommodation camp-Elborollos power plant.
Includes HVAC ducts, AHUs, Exhaust fans and related electrical/control system and interlock.
Elborollos Egypt |
Elborollos power plant
Orascom Co.
2016 - 2017
HVAC Operation & Maintenance System for Ein Elsukhna power plant.
Includes HVAC ducts, AHUs, Exhaust fans and related electrical/control system and interlock.
Ein Elsukhna Egypt |
Ein Elsukhna power plant
Orascom Co.
2016 - 2017
Electrical Upgrade Abu Hamad Air port
MV-LV Electrical Network
Transformers, Switchgear, MV-LV Cables
Abu Hamad,
Abu Hamad Air port
Egyptian Air Force
2016 - 2017
Electrical Upgrade of Egyptian Security Air Force Facilities
LV Electrical Network
Switchgear, Switchboard, LV panels, LV cables, Street light, Grounding system.
Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force
2017 - Present
Electrical Upgrade of Egyptian Security Air Force Facilities
MV-LV Electrical Network
Switchgear, Transformer, MV cables, Switchboard, LV Panels, LV Cables, street light, Grounding System.
Helwan, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force
2017 - Present
EAF Gas Factory
SG Buildings, RMUs facilities , MV-LV Electrical Network, Sewage System, Water system, Switchgear, Transformer, MV cables, Switchboard, LV Panels, LV Cables, street light, Grounding System.
Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force
2017 - Present
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
Electrical Utilities Upgrade (phase 1-electrical)
Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
2017 - Present
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
HVAC Cleaner and Water/Air Balance (phase 1-Mechanical)
Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
2017 - Present
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
BMS system, Fire Alarm, Kitchen Firefighting, Kitchen Upgrade.
Cairo, Egypt
Egyptian Air Force Specialized Hospital
2017 - Present
Electrical network for Marble crusher factory
Construct the electrical room and transformer, RMU room, cables, panels, Grounding System, Firefighting system.
Sharm El Sheikh,
National Service Products Organization (NSPO)
2019 - Present
Fog System for milk production unit
Fans, Pumps, Water cooler system, Cables, Conduits, Firefighting system
at El Tal El Kabeer Ismailia
National Service Products Organization (NSPO)
2019 - Present
lighting network
Cables, Conduits, Lighting fixtures & poles, Panels, Grounding System
Enshas farms Elsharkia
National Service Products Organization (NSPO)
2019 - Present
Upgrade for 4 cabinet – blasting & painting hangars – SEMAF factory
Helwan, Egypt
Arab Organization for Industrialization - AOI
2020 - Present
Supply & apply new painting hangar – SEMAF factory
Helwan, Egypt
Arab Organization for Industrialization - AOI
2020 - Present
Supply & apply new washing hangar – SEMAF factory |
Helwan, Egypt
Arab Organization for Industrialization - AOI
2020 - Present
Supply & apply new Putting hangar – SEMAF factory |
Helwan, Egypt
Arab Organization for Industrialization - AOI
2020 - Present
Supply & apply new Blasting hangar – SEMAF factory |
Helwan, Egypt
Arab Organization for Industrialization - AOI
2020 - Present